In-Store Support Solution
Our In-Store Support Solution provides end-to-end store support for:
- Move-Add-Change (MAC General Field Service Calls)
- Onsite preventative maintenance
- Repair-Exchange-Advanced exchange programs
- Extended warranties
- Help desk services
You may choose to bundle all of our in-store support services to save both time and money -or- select what you specifically need a la carte from:
We Understand Your Store Support Challenges
In the past, teams typically only had to manage the network and POS & back office systems. However, today’s connected consumer has driven more technologies than ever before into the retail environment.
we offer:
- More warranties and consumables to mange
- Varying service needs and levels
- Increased amount of vendors and processes to manage
All of these challenges, coupled with your personnel being stretched for time & resources, result in:
- Longer resolution times
- Greater cost risk
- Issue reporting challenges
- Decrease in internal & external customer satisfaction
This creates a need for less partners who can do more.
We Know You Need Less Partners To Do More
By partnering with a vendor who easily bundles all of your needs, you benefit from:
- Less onsite visits
- Reduced resolution times
- Less cost risk
- Greater customer satisfaction and ease.